Unbalanced to Balanced Audio Project


Just a quick post mainly showing my preliminary case design for an unbalanced to balanced audio project I'm working on. This is just a simple product that allows me to drive my studio monitors, which have a balanced input, from my PC output which is unbalanced. A good description and circuit diagram can be seen at this website http://sound.whsites.net/project51.htm.

I'll go into the circuitry and testing in another post but today I just wanted to show my initial design for a case.

The schematic and board were done in Altium and a step file of the board was exported so I could model the case in Solidworks around the board. As can be seen below, the PCB has 4 green SMD LED's which I added to provide some nicety to the project.

The idea I had was for the light to shine through the case to provide a nice effect. Initially I looked at light pipes but nothing really suited the look I was going for. The idea was then to have cutout's in the case and have the lights shine through an opaque diffuser. The picture's show the idea more clearly.

The diffuser will be attached inside the box. The diffuser in the renderings is coloured to illustrate the green light. The actual diffuser will be a semi-transparent white.

The back of the case just contains the input, outputs and the USB port for powering the device.

So that's basically it. I'm quite happy with the lighting concept and look forward to 3D printing the case and seeing how the effect is in real life. 

For those interested, below is my schematic for the project which, as I said, I'll into detail further in another post. Most likely when I receive the PCB's from the manufacturer.




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